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Gathering Times
Brett Caldwell
Brian Arner
Chris Carver
Cody Swearengin
D.S. Rev. Mark Bane
D.S. Rev. Phil Rhoades
Dr. Scott Dooley
Dr. Shelly Worley
Dylan Robinson
Linda Braaten
Marcus Whitworth
Marie Horne
Mark Falconer
Pastor David Sutton
Pastor Don Daniel
Pastor Michael Downs
Pat Stevens
Rev. Alison Johnson
Rev. Brandin Melton
Rev. Brian Letsinger
Rev. Cindy North
Rev. Daniel Pesado
Rev. David Sutton
Rev. Fred Agee
Rev. Gary Swearengin
Rev. Jenee Noriega
Rev. Lane Loman
Rev. Larry Leckrone
Rev. Larry White
Rev. Paul Borden
Rev. Randy Gilmore
Rev. Susan Rowe
Rev. Trevor Smith
Rob Gossen
Susie Shellenberger
Tina Coggins
Advancing The Call
Broken Behavior & Burnout
Gain Save Give
I AM Women's Conference
Making A Great Church
Messages From the Mount
Origin Story: A Study In Genesis
Sinking Our Own Ship
Words of the Advent
Chris Carver 7-30-17 AM Worship
July 30, 2017
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